Thursday, September 1, 2011


September 1st:
Another month, another year... I enjoy the "firsts" of the months, they give me a nice feeling of freshness.I am a fan of sun and waves and blue-green trees, but I have to admit Autumn has its own perfume.I sometimes think September should be January, we should start the year in September and skip January and February :) then go on living under a nice warm sun and smell perfumed air. We should then rest for Christmas, the magical moments of the year, share presents and tell stories close to the fireplace. Yes, stories...most important...reading stories. It's funny but I always feel the need of reading in September more than any other time of the year. And as I cannot think of any other suitable writer I should again choose Paul Auster. His style is just perfect, his world is amazingly vivid and tempting, his technical "shifts" make you literally jump from one place to another, from one felling to another, his works make you rethink your own position among your people, your friends, your family... If you haven't read "The book of illusions" then it's a must, and, as I can't remember which chapter, you should "swallow" the whole book to witness the best moonlight description I can think of. I even downloaded the movie "The Inner Life of Martin Frost", but I couldn't find the same "soul tickling" as I did while reading the book.
By the way, I haven't thought about it until now, but I will try and use Paul Auster's books into my classes. When I find an entertaining and active way of using them I will definitely write it down here.
Enjoy the sunny days of Autumn...

1 comment:

  1. I loove the idea of starting the year with September. And I love the way you said it.
