Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A matter of time...

It's amazing how time flies, runs, flows... Or is it just our way of traveling through a still time that has never been different? Today morning I woke up and I realized we have been together for two years, that we have shared the time, the cries, the pains, the happiness for two big years... " And  I  now pronounce you man and wife" that's how everything starts. Then it's up to us the way we make it work and yes, as the old ladies had told me, it ain't easy. But I guess it's the most amazing challenge that a person should face, learning how to share and give away a part of your own existence... The second one is, of course, holding your babies and sharing more from who you are, changing streams if necessary, because, all of a sudden, there is something more important in this whole world than yourself.
At first it seemed so hard to share the space in the same closet, then is seemed hard to clean the table after the meal because they (aka men) would never do that unless they are told, then it seemed hard to see the "other face", the angry face and, even worse, witness your own transformation from the gentle princess into the ugly duck quacking around because things were supposed to be different, then it became even harder to understand the long moments of unexplained silence or the lack of constant attention that you (aka gentle princess) were used to receiving at the beginning. But all these small "adventures" are the signature of a normal, sane marriage, I believe. These are the initiation steps we all need to make on our path to being together as a couple. Then things magically change, because We Change, we graduate and adjust our own existence that has now a totally different contour.
And then a day comes when we celebrate the first, the second, hopefully the 30th year together and I am sure each time we have the nostalgia of our constant learning more and more about who we are. And that is a good thing, because there is no other place we have the right to be ourselves, but our home. There we scream, we laugh, we make love  and we cry, but our home ( the place we live together, no matter how big or small the place might be) is also the most genuine form of human existence. Intimacy is a great word, but I do worship the idea- nothing else should interfere in this inner world of our family- it should stay a private matter that only WE can solve, enjoy and live through.
So I celebrate two years from my existence and I am happy. There have been so many beautiful things happening:
- I met wonderful people
-I have had a good job, I have done exactly what I like most in this world
-I traveled a lot and I gathered precious memories with my friends and colleagues at the same time
- I learned from my mistakes and I hope I became a more experienced person
-I went to my best friends' weddings and I smiled and shared their happiness
- I could hold my friends and shared their sorrows, then again I could feel their own happiness when things got solved
-I was surrounded by love for which I am deeply grateful to God
- I am to be a mother- no words to explain how I feel
- I have a husband I should thank to for patience and love and support
-I had to see some of my friends take different paths, I had to face the change but I also learned that change is good and I am sure they will be happy on their way because I trust their power and their faith.
- I re-discovered my long lost friends and found out how much their lives have changed and how much they are still the ones I knew there deep inside.
So, yes, time flies and there are good moments and bad moments, but I would really love to think about the bright side, the good things, because we have one life, one chance and in our life story we must cling on those facts and people and memories that makes us go on and give us the reason to live.
I guess marriage and life are the simple boats that need a lot of mending but can lead us to the shore, not  the fancy yachts sinking at the first blow.It's a matter of choice and faith.

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